Production group Aroco - Aroma

The focus of both group companies is split to achieve best quality, utilization of skills and technology while maintaining reasonable prices. Cooperation with universities and research labs is integral part of out innovation strategy. AROCO Ltd. is responsible for the whole range of food additives and colours, aromatics and colours for feed and feed mixtures, natural extracts and aromas for sport fishing and hunting products. AROMA Praha, a.s. concentrates on perfume compositions and synthetic fragrances. Domestic markets are served by each company itself. AROCO ensures sales in Slovak Republic for the whole group, while AROMA Praha concentrates on all other foreign markets.

The production group, thanks to this arrangement and sophisticated quality management system (certified ISO, FSSC and HACCP), can offer our customers not only long-term experience in the products area, but also a quick and cost-effective solution for delivering high quality products.